Follow these steps to fix the problem:
Symptom: EOS 7D won't turn on. Battery is charged. Tried several batteries. Battery door closed. CF card compartment door closed. Lithium battery fresh.
Diagnosis step one: Look at the top LCD. Is the battery symbol flashing? If yes, make sure your battery (including the Lithium battery) is charged, original, and new. If not (nothing at all showing on top LCD) proceed to step two.
Step two: Is the viewfinder unusually dark? Manual focussing seems off? If yes proceed to step three. If no: The camera receives power but will not turn on because either the main switch, the microswitch of the battery door, the microswitch of the CF card compartment, or several switches are not working. Check those switches. Use screwdrivers to check the operation of the microswitches. Clean the main switch with a strong air blower while switching back and forth (sand!).
Step three: If the viewfinder is unusually dark, the camera gets no power whatsoever (the 7D uses polarizers for the viewfinder displays, such as the focus points to show up - these require a tiny amount of energy and if the power is gone for more than 4 seconds, the viewfinder will go dark - to test what I mean, remove battery, wait 4 seconds and look for yourself). Clean the battery contacts in the battery compartment. In particular the silver one that is closer to the back of the camera. Use a screwdriver and slightly scratch any oxidations off the surface of the lowest, protruding part of the silver contact. After that clean with cotton swab and alcohol. Carefully clean the two copper contacts with cotton swabs and alcohol.
Step four: If it still won't work or fails again shortly afterwards, remove bottom plate and see if one or several screws of the bottom circuit board (towards the handgrip or towards the CF card door) fell out. Happened to me, too. Shaking the camera and tapping with a screwdriver can remove the screw from the innards... Mind the flash capacitor! If none of this helps, it might be the circuit board. Good luck!
WOw.. have the exact same problem.. also as If i should have posted this..
Trying to get copy of my receipt... will see firmware idea.. but if camera doesn't turn on can firmware still be updated?
由 Luis 完成的
I have the same problem, though I dropped my 7D in a washing machine scene. Soaked for only 2 seconds. I immediately removed card and battery. Dried for 1 week in a tupperware of rice and silica gel. Chucked the battery in and i get a flashing empty battery sign. Tried 3 new batteries and 2 CF cards.. Oh well. Time to buy an A7sii
由 Darwin 完成的
@darwinzialcita Don't give up on it yet! What is the exact behaviour? Doesn't turn on? Battery symbol flashes or not?
由 Paragon 完成的
@paragon camera would not turn on. Empty battery symbol flashes in either ON or OFF position. I am sure it is shorted because I soaked it on water. No longer optimistic about it. Can't find a proper guide here on iFixit to on how to open this little baby as well.
由 Darwin 完成的
If it shows no sign of life at all, after you have put a new battery in, ie nothing on the top lcd display, it is usually a tiny fuse on that pcb which is just below that top lcd display. It is a component which is soldered onto the pcb and is usually white, approximately 2mm x 1mm and designated by a small F or a number on it. Not really a job for a novice diy'er to repair as you have to dismantle a lot of the camera to acces it. But certainly repairable. I have repaired many which show no signs of life at all caused by this very reason.
由 Dennis McLellan 完成的