
The Roomba 650 is a Fourth Generation robotic vacuum released by iRobot in August 2012. This device is hand-free and is programmed to clean our homes. With little manual operation needed, this robot have revolutionized house cleaning.

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Roomba won't leave the dock

Hi, my Roomba 650 won't leave the dock anymore. It won't do it on schedule nor when I press the clean button. If I take it off the dock it will work perfectly and dock itself as well. I suspected a battery issue and changed the battery but this didn't help. I've also reset the Roomba a few times and moved the dock to different places.

I haven't seen anyone having this problem even after some serious searching. Any ideas?

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It must be scared of your cat ;-}

How old is the unit? You may need a fresh battery pack as it thinks the charge is not enough or the logic is damaged.


I already changed the battery.


I guess I just have to start the Roomba manually. There is hundred problems with hundred answers, but of cource I got a unique one. :)


I'm having the same issue. When I press the clean button, it leaves the dock for 5 mins or so then goes back to the dock. When I pick it off the dock and start it out in the room, it ran for about 15 mins.


This is not the same. When I press the Clean-button while my Roomba is on the dock nothing happens. Out of the dock it works perfectly and cleans at least an hour. Your problem definitely sounds battery related.






I’m having the same problem with my 690. I can tell Alexa to turn it on and if it’s docked it will light up as if it were going to leave, but then it doesn’t. It will only work if I manually start it off the dock and then it operates normally. I will post here again if I figure out the problem.


得分 1

You Hey Ville,

I would suspect there is a problem with your docking station, saying that you said if you take it off it will run fine (correct me if I'm wrong). I would attempt to contact the company if you are still in warranty to get a replacement.

Update (05/08/2018)

Try this then, [http://Factory Reset Roomba|https://youtu.be/YWumDMTvpsU]


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No warranty I’m afraid. The dock charges the Roomba fine and docking works too...


I have done the reset multiple times as I mention in my question.



Hi did you solve your problem as my roomba 774 is doing the same exact thing?


得分 0


No, its still the same. I have scheduled the robot to start everyday at the same time and if I want it to clean I pull it off the dock on the morning. Not a real solution, but at least I can use it when I'm at work this way.



My husband dropped my roomba and now it won’t come off the dock or clean and I don’t know what to do if I take it off and press clean it says error 1 take it to a new spot and push clean but it says the same thing every time


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