
OnePlus' second entry into the Android phone market, the OnePlus 2, was released on August 11th 2015.

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Won't charge while turned on and drops charge

I have had my OnePlus 2 phone for two years now. I haven't had any problems with it until recently. It was charging fine but now it won't charge right. I plug it in to charge and the charging light will come on but then it stops charging. The only way I can get it to charge at all is by turning it off and letting it charge that way. But once I have it charged to 100% and go to use it, it drops dramatically. Like for example it'll be at 100% and if I let it sit there and not touch it it drops down to 80% within 2 minutes. At first I thought it was the charger so I got another but it still did the same thing. I haven't bought a new cord as of yet.

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First try a different cord, just to prove that the cord is not the problem.

How old is the phone? I suspect that the battery is failing and needs to be replaced. Even rechargeable batteries have a lifespan.

Here is a link to the ifixit 一加 2 电池更换教程 guide.


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