
华为2016年旗舰智能手机。拥有一体成型机身以及徕卡设计的双后置摄像头。拥有32/64 GB存储空间以及6种不同配色。包括型号有 EVA-L29, EVA-L19, 以及 EVA-L09.

20 个问题 查看全部

screen can't recognize my knuckle after screen replacement

I replaced my huawei p9 broken touch screen with a new one and since then, everything has been working normal except that it doesn't recognize my knuckle gestures anymore. It sees my knuckle as a finger touch instead. I have checked the gesture settings and everything is active. What can be the problem?

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It may be the sensitivity on the screen due to the new screen. Try using a different combo of gestures. Correct me if I’m wrong. I never had this phone but I replaced a screen on my otr phone and it’s sensitivity is SUPER high. You don’t have to even touch the screen to have it register the touch. Good luck


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