
This affordable large-screen Android phone sports a 5.7-inch display and large 3,400 mAh battery.

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Why won't my photos upload anywhere

So my phone won't allow me to upload my new taken photos anywhere. Not on any social media not on my computer. Nowhere. The photos that can't be uploaded are all taken from my phone and have been moved out of the camera section and put into their own folders and I really need some space because I'm going on a trip and need space to take photos.

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Try connecting your phone to a PC via a USB cable, then select the option to connect your phone as a media device (MTP). (Pull down the notification bar on the home screen to select your USB options when you are connected to a PC)

Your phone will now show up in Windows Explorer under Computer as ZTE ZMax (I think). Expand this 'drive' to show sub folders of phone storage and SD card. Expand the folders to find the folder where your pictures are, copy them to your computer and then delete them from your phone or simply cut and paste.

Be careful not to delete anything else. It might be important!

If the pictures are on the SD Card in the phone, and you have a card reader connected to your PC, simply unmount the card from the phone (or with the phone switched off simply remove it) insert it in the card reader and then copy the pictures to your PC and then delete from the card.

Update (09/07/2016)

Hi Sara,

If you connect your phone to a PC via a USB cable and select MTP option in the phone as above, then using Windows Explorer, scroll to ZTE ZMax > Phone Storage > DCIM > Camera can you see your pictures there. Here is an image of where the pictures are in my ZTE T815 so hopefully yours will show up there as well.

Block Image

Apologies if you have already looked here.


得分 2


I've done this already And it wont work



What happens? Can you see the photo files in Windows explorer? Did you move the files out of the camera section and into their own folders or was it done by an app?


Well I can see them on my phone's gallery, although I can't see them on my computer I can't upload them to Facebook Instagram or Snapchat but I can see the photo when I want to upload something from my gallery. It's kind of weird because it's only with the new photos




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