
Release Date October 2015 Model Number M4C63UA.

7 个问题 查看全部

Why won't my laptop turn on after disassembling and reassembling it

I did a system restore in settings because my internet kept crashing and when it finished it never went passed the HP loading screen and then it would go black. It was like this for a few days and I tried everything to fix it Bios scan command prompt, system repair any type of troubleshooting you can think of I did. So after doing more research I came across a forum answer that said to disassemble the laptop take out the ac adapter and take out the battery for 1 minute thenhold the power button for 20 seconds and then plug in the ac adapter and press the power button. So I did this and when I put it back together it wouldn't work. Also 3 strips came out so I think that could be part of the problem as well. Can somebody please help me

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you gotta make sure those ribbon cables are in their slots all the way., tbh you might have just ESD bombed your laptop though...


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What do you by ESD bombed and I think you're right about the ribbons but I don't know where to attach one of the skinny ribbons


Electro Static Discharge, It's most likely the ribben not being plugged in. Watch a tear down or follow a guide here on IFixIT. It will have the port that the ribben goes into and tell you how to put it safely in.



Had the same issue - the laptop wouldn’t turn on after disassembly/reassembly. Unplugging main and CMOS batteries (to clear BIOS settings) kicked the laptop out of limbo.


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Push the ON/OFF button for 5 sec..

N then push Task Mgr shortcut..

If successful, reboot the PC.

Good luck


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