
型号A1040 / 10, 15, 20, 30, 或 40 GB 硬盘/ 中央转盘上方有四个触控激活 LED 背光按键

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My Ipod shows a directory/folder symbol & I can't seem to restore.

My original Ipod (middle on site picture of 3 ipods), constantly alternates between the apple symbol and a directory/folder symbol with an "!". I have connected to itunes, but the site either doesn't recognize my device or tells me that my device is corrupt & to restore. I go through the steps to restore, but after hours of restoring, I get an error message. I have never downloaded anything to the device excet through itunes. My disk drive is Toshiba mk 1003GAL HDD 1262 x zeo1. I am afraid that my device is now useless. Please help. Thanks.

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Thanks mister790. I already unplugged & reattached the hard drive and the problem persisted with the series of "clicks". Did replacing the hard drive fix the problem or did you also replace the logic board and/or hard drive cable. Thanks!


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Replacing the hard drive did seem to fix the problem -- although the machine still freezes every once in a while. But it hasn't made those click sounds or died on me the way the previous iPod did.


And to clarify, since replacing the hard drive, I haven't had that empty folder or other warnings pop up on the screen or that failure to restore problem.



I had a similar problem with a 4th generation iPod. I opened the case and unplugged and replugged the hard drive, which seemed to make it work properly for a little while. But the problems kept recurring, and eventually the iPod would freeze and the hard drive would make a series of clicks. I finally decided the hard drive was dead and replaced it.


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I'll go the new hard drive route. Thanks for your help!


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Another thing to be sure of- make sure the harddrive cable isn't short circuiting anywhere. I had this happen to me once; I was taking a 3rd gen model apart, and I pulled the harddrive out. Upon reconnecting the harddrive, some of the ribbon tape ended up touching the harddrive pin contact points. It took me a while to figure out what was wrong. Eventually, I checked for the short circuiting, rebent the tape, and voila! My iPod stopped displaying the folder icon and booted just fine.

I would try that before you order any parts.


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