
原帖由: Matt Zieminski


There could be a few possible reasons why your PowerShot G7 X Mark II is not saving pictures to the SD card. Just to get something super simple out of the way, note that the camera is compatible with 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, and 128GB SD, SDHC, and SDXC memory cards. If your SD card is other than this list, it won't work. Troubleshooting tips:

* If the "Memory card locked" message appears on the LCD monitor, the write protect tab of the memory card is in the locked position, so you cannot capture or delete images
** To unlock the tab, slide the write protect tab upward
* The SD card is not properly inserted or is dirty. Remove the card, check for debris, then reinsert it firmly.
* The SD card is full. Try deleting some photos or formatting the SD card to free up space.
* The SD card is damaged or corrupted. Try reformatting the SD card using the camera's menu. If that doesn't work, replace the SD card.
* The camera's memory card slot is damaged. If other cards also fail, you may need service for the memory card slot.
* The camera settings are incorrectly set to save to internal memory rather than the SD card. Check the [link|https://gdlp01.c-wss.com/gds/8/0300022708/01/psg7x-mk2-cu-en.pdf|image-saving location|new_window=true] in the menu.
* The camera's firmware needs to be updated. Check for any available firmware updates.

First, I would try a different SD card if you have one available to rule out a corrupted card. If that doesn't work, check the save location setting and any firmware updates. If the issue persists, the camera itself may need service for a faulty memory card slot. Let me know if you have any other questions!

