
当前版本: Garrett Cassidy


DVD and CD Disk not reading


Ive got a CD/DVD/3D Blue ray player that wont recognize a disk (tried CD and DVD's). I have it all apart and cleaned the reader with a q-tip (aka Fleece Crested Scepter of Q-Teep). The laser dose turn on (I see it turn purple yes I know don't burn my eyes out) and the head moves back and forth. My big questions is should the disk be spinning when its checking for a disk? The motor dose spin free by hand but the disk doesn't spin when it checking for a disk. A lot of guides mention turning some potentiometer to adjust the laser power; I cant find any on this model.
+=== Update (05/10/2022) ===
+The model number is HBD-N760W
+Here are some pictures to help


Sony DVD Player



原帖由: Garrett Cassidy


DVD and CD Disk not reading


Ive got a CD/DVD/3D Blue ray player that wont recognize a disk (tried CD and DVD's). I have it all apart and cleaned the reader with a q-tip (aka Fleece Crested Scepter of Q-Teep). The laser dose turn on (I see it turn purple yes I know don't burn my eyes out) and the head moves back and forth.  My big questions is should the disk be spinning when its checking for a disk? The motor dose spin free by hand but the disk doesn't spin when it checking for a disk. A lot of guides mention turning some potentiometer to adjust the laser power; I cant find any on this model.


Sony DVD Player

