
当前版本: Riyaz Jessa


MBP 2016 Catalina.
+(The issue started when I attempted to upgrade to the most current Catalina version. I even erased my entire drive and upgraded to Monterey. But nothing helped. Restoring my backup didn’t help.)
Had the same issue and honestly been pulling my hair out for over 2 weeks. I spoke to Apple support for hours, they apparently even connected me to senior support staff. And time and again the same error “Critical Software Update…” message.
I did everything over and over, trying different steps as I kept finding suggested solutions.
-But this afternoon, I kept trying and restored my old backup (Catalina), and this time after it restored and went into “completing restore..” I had selected no internet connection to this MacBook and also removed my USB and lo and behold it worked. I was back and working.
+But this afternoon, I kept trying and restoring my old backup (Catalina), and this time after it restored and went into “completing restore..” I had selected no internet connection to this MacBook and also removed my USB and lo and behold it worked. I was back and working.
But I must admit this software related and Apple needs to address it. Cause how does it end up working after so many days?
Perhaps my HD was not configured correctly before, not sure.
I am not techy enough when it comes to Apple. Have been on Windows all my life, so this is a learning curve.
-All I know that I did respond to Retry a couple of times, then waited and clicked on Retry again (3rd time) and also removed my backup USB. next thing up and running.
+All I know is that I did respond to Retry a couple of times, then waited and clicked on Retry again (3rd time) and also removed my backup USB. next thing up and running.
I wish I could share the exact steps I took to make it easy for others to follow, but this is the best I can do for the moment.



编辑: Riyaz Jessa


+MBP 2016 Catalina.
Had the same issue and honestly been pulling my hair out for over 2 weeks. I spoke to Apple support for hours, they apparently even connected me to senior support staff. And time and again the same error “Critical Software Update…” message.
I did everything over and over, trying different steps as I kept finding suggested solutions.
But this afternoon, I kept trying and restored my old backup (Catalina), and this time after it restored and went into “completing restore..” I had selected no internet connection to this MacBook and also removed my USB and lo and behold it worked. I was back and working.
But I must admit this software related and Apple needs to address it. Cause how does it end up working after so many days?
Perhaps my HD was not configured correctly before, not sure.
I am not techy enough when it comes to Apple. Have been on Windows all my life, so this is a learning curve.
All I know that I did respond to Retry a couple of times, then waited and clicked on Retry again (3rd time) and also removed my backup USB. next thing up and running.
I wish I could share the exact steps I took to make it easy for others to follow, but this is the best I can do for the moment.



原帖由: Riyaz Jessa


Had the same issue and honestly been pulling my hair out for over 2 weeks. I spoke to Apple support for hours, they apparently even connected me to senior support staff. And time and again the same error “Critical Software Update…” message.

I did everything over and over, trying different steps as I kept finding suggested solutions.

But this afternoon, I kept trying and restored my old backup (Catalina), and this time after it restored and went into “completing restore..” I had selected no internet connection to this MacBook and also removed my USB and lo and behold it worked. I was back and working.

But I must admit this software related and Apple needs to address it. Cause how does it end up working after so many days?

Perhaps my HD was not configured correctly before, not sure.

I am not techy enough when it comes to Apple. Have been on Windows all my life, so this is a learning curve.

All I know that I did respond to Retry a couple of times, then waited and clicked on Retry again (3rd time) and also removed my backup USB. next thing up and running.

I wish I could share the exact steps I took to make it easy for others to follow, but this is the best I can do for the moment.

