I have the same problem. I only have to wait about 24 hours, then it will load past the Switch logo and I can play games. I don’t have to let the battery die. I assume the switch must stop trying to use WiFi after something close to the 24-hour mark, but I would get the error and it would freeze up if I put it to sleep or rebooted it. I finally just put mine in airplane mode and now I don’t have a problem at all (other than I can’t use WiFi). I still get error messages occasionally telling me there is a problem, but I can skip past them and play a game like normal.
I have the same problem. I only have to wait about 24 hours, then it will load past the Switch logo and I can play games. I don’t have to let the battery die. I assume the switch must stop trying to use WiFi after something close to the 24-hour mark, but I would get the error and it would freeze up again if I put it to sleep or rebooted it. I finally just put mine in airplane mode and now I don’t have a problem at all (other than I can’t use WiFi). I still get error messages when I boot it up telling me there is a problem (mostly saying the WiFi is off), but I can just skip past them and play a game like normal.
I have the same problem. I only have to wait about 24 hours, then it will load past the Switch logo and I can play games. I don’t have to let the battery die. I assume the switch must stop trying to use WiFi after something close to the 24-hour mark, but I would get the error and it would freeze up if I put it to sleep or rebooted it. I finally just put mine in airplane mode and now I don’t have a problem at all (other than I can’t use WiFi). I still get error messages occasionally telling me there is a problem, but I can skip past them and play a game like normal.