
当前版本: Chris


-Hi the iPhone 7 / Plus you can swap buttons only if you have original button to swap out the ic chip on the flex cable attached to home button and you buy original home button as a replacement take the ic chip off solder the one from the original cable on to you new home button and bobs your uncle if you have thrown your old home button away apple it is for you but not for a cracked home button or torn flex cable swap ic chip good as gold again I did this with a ten pound solder iron and ome part and works fine
+Hi the iPhone 7 / Plus you can swap buttons only if you have original button to swap out the ic chip on the flex cable attached to home button and you buy original home button as a replacement take the ic chip off solder the one from the original cable on to you new home button and bobs your uncle if you have thrown your old home button away apple it is for you but not for a cracked home button or torn flex cable swap ic chip good as gold again I did this with a ten pound solder iron and ome part and works fine take care in removing chip of the original it has a glue substance so remover first to heating it up use flux to separate from flex and pick it off carefully and if you do this clean I just pooped mine right on top when it cooled dawn got it perfectly lined up and turned on solder iron and wait ten and turn off heat let it sit for two mins and remove cool dawn ten mins pop on phone done if correct all done



原帖由: Chris


Hi the iPhone 7 / Plus  you can swap buttons only if you have original button to swap out the ic chip on the flex cable attached to home button and you buy original home button as a replacement take the ic chip off solder the one from the original cable on to you new home button and bobs your uncle if you have thrown your old home button away apple it is for you but not for a cracked home button or torn flex cable swap ic chip good as gold again I did this with a ten pound solder iron and ome part and works fine

