
当前版本: Tristan Gale


I just repaired this on my 350d. Unfortunately the CF card reader pins are individually soldered to the main board so you can't just replace the bent ones, you have to replace the entire main board. I got a replacement board using a donor camera I got off ebay - the donor camera was spares/repairs due to terrible physical condition and a smashed lcd display glass but did just about work as a camera so the main board was intact. This cost me £30 but after swapping the boards between the donor and my own 350d I should be able to get around £20 back reselling the donor on ebay as bad condition and cf error.
-I'll find the websites I used for teardown instructions, it's not a particularly difficult fix just a little fiddly at times.
+I'll find the websites I used for teardown instructions, it's not a particularly difficult fix just a little fiddly at times. If you attempt it and need any help at any point I'm happy to help as I did it myself so recently it's fresh in my mind.



原帖由: Tristan Gale


I just repaired this on my 350d. Unfortunately the CF card reader pins are individually soldered to the main board so you can't just replace the bent ones, you have to replace the entire main board. I got a replacement board using a donor camera I got off ebay - the donor camera was spares/repairs due to terrible physical condition and a smashed lcd display glass but did just about work as a camera so the main board was intact. This cost me £30 but after swapping the boards between the donor and my own 350d I should be able to get around £20 back reselling the donor on ebay as bad condition and cf error.

I'll find the websites I used for teardown instructions, it's not a particularly difficult fix just a little fiddly at times.

