
当前版本: Anna


My LG audio won't work.


-So today I was eating cereal and texting my friend. ( dumb decision) I dropped my phone into my bowl of cereal. I freaked out and dryed it off as fast as i could. Then placed it into rice. I waited a couple hours to check on it. It turned on and I can control it i texted my friend about what happend and i got her messages and she got mine. I thought all was good. I am able to hear notification sounds but not volume please help! It has water damage but in this case milk damage, also says headphones are plugged in. Anyway to fix this without costing a lot? Thanks!
+So today I was eating cereal and texting my friend. ( dumb decision) I dropped my phone into my bowl of cereal. I freaked out and dryed it off as fast as i could. Then placed it into rice. I waited a couple hours to check on it. It turned on and I can control it i texted my friend about what happend and i got her messages and she got mine. I thought all was good. I am able to hear notification sounds but not volume please help! It has water damage but in this case milk damage, also says headphones are plugged in. Anyway to fix this without costing a lot? Thanks! Please let me know ASAP!





原帖由: Anna


My LG audio won't work.


So today I was eating cereal and texting my friend. ( dumb decision) I dropped my phone into my bowl of cereal. I freaked out and dryed it off as fast as i could. Then placed it into rice. I waited a couple hours to check on it. It turned on and I can control it i texted my friend about what happend and i got her messages and she got mine. I thought all was good. I am able to hear notification sounds but not volume please help! It has water damage but  in this case milk damage, also says headphones are plugged in.  Anyway to fix this without costing a lot? Thanks!



