I scrolled through the comments and saw that the required ssd m2 for this laptop (xps 13 2015) would be 80mm NOT the 60mm ones.
So will http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-850-EVO-3-5-Inch-MZ-N5E500BW/dp/B00TGIW1XG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1434844966&sr=8-1&keywords=m.2+sata&pebp=1434844992283&perid=1NGS1HFA6B8AST1HAN0A
Fit in perfectly and run perfectly with the bios and stuff?
My new to upgrading ssds. Would it be as simple as plug and play?
It is currently running ( samsung pm851 with 128gb)
Thanks in advance
I scrolled through the comments and saw that the required ssd m2 for this laptop (xps 13 2015) would be 80mm NOT the 60mm ones.
So will http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-850-EVO-3-5-Inch-MZ-N5E500BW/dp/B00TGIW1XG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1434844966&sr=8-1&keywords=m.2+sata&pebp=1434844992283&perid=1NGS1HFA6B8AST1HAN0A
Fit in perfectly and run perfectly with the bios and stuff?
My new to upgrading ssds. Would it be as simple as plug and play?
It is currently running ( samsung pm851 with 128gb)
Thanks in advance